
Parahyangan Catholic University Choir, Indonesia

Parahyangan Catholic University Choir (UNPAR Choir) is a professional music institution existed since 1962. After the national achievements, UNPAR Choir kept on achieving until international was in Holland Competition in 1995, in Italy 1997, in Linz Austria 2000, and lastly in The 8th International Chamber Choir Competition in Marktoberdorf Germany, 2003.
Until recently, UNPAR Choir has not only gaining more and more achievements, but has also secured its place to declare itself as the barometer for choir development in Indonesia. For the achievements in the International level and their consistency in growing choral music nationally and has proven internationally, they now become one of the best choir in the world.
UNPAR Choir tends to bring a new perspective to the classical music, make it possible to enjoy by all level of society.

身為印尼少數接受合唱與管弦樂指揮正統音樂訓練的指揮,阿維普‧浦利亞特納被譽為印尼當今最佳指揮。他曾獲扶輪社與奧地利政府獎學金前往維也納,在Gunther Theuring 與Leopold Hager指導下,以極優異成績取得維也納音樂戲劇學院第一級傑出文憑;爾後,在巴拉香甘大學獎學金資助下,於一九九八年取得合唱指揮碩士學位。
留學維也納期間,曾任維也納青年合唱團助理指揮,強化了他在合唱藝術成就上的能力與信譽。他的音樂才能與興趣,最初由Rosaline Tambunan啟發,跟隨學習鋼琴,後來亦加入巴大合唱團。
Avip Priatna, Conductor
As one of a few Indonesian director priviledged to acquire formal music education under choir and orchestra directing, Avip Priatna is acknowledged and admitted as the best Conductor and Music Director in Indonesia until now. Under the tutorship of Gunther Theuring and Leopold Hager, Priatna achieved his I Diploma degree in Hoschule fur Musik Darstellende Kunst in Vienna, Austria with compliment (ausgezeichnet). After having scholarship from Rotary Club and Austrian Government for his first education, he continued by having scholarship from Parahyangan University in Diploma Magister for choir in 1998.
While in Vienna, Priatna was assigned to be assistant conductor for Vienna Jeunesse Chor that strengthens his quality and credibility in choir art. His talent and interest firstly channeled through piano courses with Rosaline Tambunan then continued when he joined UNPAR Choir.
One achievement after another have been reaped by taking UNPAR Choir to national scale competitions and concerts held by UNPAR Choir. After bringing this Choir as three times in a row champion in ITB Choir Festivals and attain the best conductor award in the same event, Priatna continued his journey to international level. In 1995 Priatna managed to take the UNPAR Choir to achieve the champion title in Arnhem International Choir competition in Arnhem, Holland. The international achievement continued when he and UNPAR Choir then participated in International Polyphony Music Competition, a distinguished event in Arezzo, Italy 1997. The three gold medals gained in The 1st Choir Olympic in LinzAustria past 2000, strengthen his name on the national and international choir chart. Last achievement is get the 1st Prize accomplished the Achievement Level I – excellent performance at an international level, the highest achievement of the competition for Mixed Choir Category, also get Gustave Charlier Prize for The Best Interpretation of A Religious Choral Work in The Competition for Gloria 3 (Arranged by Woo Hyo- Won) in The 8th International Chamber Choir Competition, Marktoberdorf, German.
7/18(一)19:30 台北國家音樂廳音樂會 訂票去
7/19(二)12:30 午間音樂會-南港軟體園區(暫定) 自由入場
7/21(四)19:30 巡迴音樂會-雲林縣政府文化局演藝廳(暫定)
7/23(六)19:30 巡迴音樂會-南投縣政府文化局演藝廳 售票
7/24(日)19:30 音樂節閉幕音樂會-台北國家音樂廳 訂票去
7/25(一)19:30 巡迴音樂會-台中中山堂 售票

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