Orfeon Chamber Choir, Turkey
一九九四年六月十八日,奧菲室內合唱團於法國文化中心舉行創團音樂會,慶祝「世界音樂日」活動,由 Ybrahim Yazycy 指揮演出;一九九五年五月至一九九九年二月,由Yieit Aydyn 擔任該團指揮;一九九九年五月起,由艾娜拉.凱利莫娃出任指揮。
二○○二年對該團而言,是忙碌豐收的一年。先與著名的Swingle Singers合開音樂會;並於第十九屆安卡拉國際合唱音樂節中,舉辦「世界音樂到爵士」音樂會,受到上千觀眾熱烈簇擁,成為音樂節中最受歡迎的活動之一。
The Orfeon Chamber Choir was established in 1994 by amateur choristers of different professions who have previously been the members of various polyphonic choirs and have participated in national and international festivals and competitions.
The main purpose of Orfeon Chamber Choir is to perform the distinguished examples of the world choir music literature belonging to different periods and regions. Another important purpose of Orfeon Chamber Choir is to popularize polyphonic choir music to audiences in different regions of Turkey. Moreover, Orfeon Chamber Choir includes the works of Turkish composers to its international concert programs so as to popularize Turkish music literature in the world.
The multi-lingual repertoire of the Orfeon Chamber Choir consists of works from the Middle Age, Renaissance, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary periods and the works of the Turkish Five and the following generation of Turkish composers. Early period of European Religious music, pre-romantic to romantic German choir music, modern French and Hungarian choir music and the works of the contemporary Turkish composers who have used motifs of the Turkish folk music are the sources for the repertoire of the Orfeon Chamber Choir.
The first concert of the Orfeon Chamber Choir was performed in the French Culture Institute for the celebration of the World Music Day on the 18th of June 1994 with conductor Ybrahim Yazycy. Between May 1995 - February 1999, Yieit Aydyn conducted the choir. Since May 1999 the choir has been conducted by Mrs. Elnara Kerimova.
The Orfeon Chamber Choir has participated in International Choir Festivals in Miskolc - Hungary, Harghita - Romania, Ankara - Turkey as well as the national ones; made recordings for State Radio, recorded music for the drama "Yusuf and Menofis" by Nazym Hikmet; gave many concerts and has been awarded many times until today.
The year 2002 was another busy year for the choir. Orfeon gave a concert with The Swingle Singers and studied 'Swingle Singing' with "the one and only" Ward Swingle at a dedicated workshop. In the 19th International Ankara Music Festival, the choir gave a concert in a "World Folk Music to Jazz" concept where the number of spectators is around a thousand as one of the most popular activities in the festival.
Following the concert, Orfeon Chamber Choir has attended the 10th Kathaumixw International Choral Festival held at Powell River, Canada, winning the 1st prize in the Chamber Choirs category. Apart from the prize, Orfeon became the most popular group, by the attractive repertoire with musical quality.
In 2002, Orfeon Chamber Choir also released an album in CD format.
艾娜拉.凱利莫娃自小在亞塞拜然首府巴庫長大,六歲習琴,十四歲進入Asaf Zeynalli音樂院,她曾是亞塞拜然國立合唱團成員之一。
她後來進入Uzeyir Hacibeyov音樂院,畢業於作曲與合唱指揮系,合唱指揮師事Listengarten、作曲師事Cevdet Haciyev(蕭斯塔可維契之弟子)、並跟隨 F. Karayev 學習複音音樂、隨Arif Melikov 及Aksin Alizade 習管絃樂法、以及Cahangir Cahangirov學習合唱編曲。
凱利莫娃曾多次與世界知名的聖彼得愛樂交響樂團合作。一九九一年,她與指揮家Hikmet Simsek合作完成Ahmet Adnan Saygun神劇《尤奴斯.艾姆勒》之亞洲巡演。
Elnara Kerimova, Conductor
Initiating her music career, in Baku, by taking piano lectures as a little child, Kerimova started the music school when she was six years old and then started the AsafZeynalliMusicCollege when she was fourteen. During her career as a choral conductor in that College, she was a member of "Azerbaijan State Polyphonic Choir" as a chorister.
While enrolled at the "Uzeyir Hacibeyov State Conservatory", by studying "choral conducting" with Listengarten, "composition" with Cevdet Haciyev (a student of Shostakovich), "polyphony" with F. Karayev, "orchestration" with Arif Melikov and Aksin Alizade, "choral arrangement" with Cahangir Cahangirov, she successfully graduated from "composition" and "choral conducting" departments.
After ten years of membership in "Azerbaijan State Polyphonic Choir", she was elected as principle conductor by her choir mates at the age of 26.
The choir conducted by Kerimova, gave numerous concerts in many places such as Moscow, Belarus, Siberia, Estonia, Letonia and Ukrania.
Kerimova also performed along with world-wide-known orchestras such as the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1991, Kerimova and conductor Hikmet Simsek performed the "Yunus Emre Oratorio" of Ahmet Adnan Saygun in several Asian countries.
She made her Turkey debut in the International Ankara Music Festival, and she came to Ankara in 1992, upon invitation of the Republic of Turkey, and she began working with TRT Ankara Radio Polyphonic Choir.
With this choir, she participated in several festivals and organizations and has given more than 300 concerts in several cities of Turkey. Among these activities, the Aspendos Festival, the music festivals of Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir and the CSO (the Presidential Symphony Orchestra) concerts are a few. Kerimova still conducts this choir and her recordings with the choir are periodically broadcasted through the radio and television channels of the TRT.
Kerimova has been entrusted with numerous important positions in various "educational institutions" and amateur choirs. She has taken the responsibility to develop and improve the choral music while also spreading awareness of it throughout the country.
7/20(三)19:30 台北國家音樂廳音樂會 訂票去
7/22(五)19:30 巡迴音樂會-嘉義市文化中心音樂廳 自由入場
7/24(日)19:30 音樂節閉幕音樂會-台北國家音樂廳 訂票去
- Jun 10 Fri 2005 08:04