藝術總監 / 音樂營講師:杜黑
杜黑先生榮獲第一屆國家文化藝術基金會文藝獎、中國文藝協會榮譽獎章,第八屆金曲獎最佳製作人,並曾出版傳記『樂壇黑面將軍』,更多次應邀擔任國內外聲樂、合唱等比賽活動之評審,包括第1~3屆國際奧林匹克合唱大賽(Choir Olympics)、義大利Riva del Garda國際合唱大賽、全日本合唱大賽(JCA National Choral Competition)、寶塚國際合唱比賽、馬來西亞樂齡聲樂大賽等。目前擔任財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會執行長、台北愛樂合唱團及台北市婦女合唱團指揮、中華民國合唱藝術交流協會理事長,任教於中國文化大學音樂系,並於新竹IC之音電台主持「天籟歡樂頌」節目。
Artistic Director / Clinician: Dirk DuHei
Dirk DuHei, who won the National Culture and Art Prize in 1997, is devoted music education and choral music.Although born in China, he received his Master of Music in conducting at the University of Illinois, U.S.A., and then returned to Taiwan to become actively involved in choral directing.
Since 1983 Dirk DuHei has been the permanent Music Director and conductor of the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus. In 1988 he launched the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education to promote choral and other musical activities in Taiwan.This foundation has over these years been involved in presenting hundreds of famous artists and ensembles, both local and foreign.And the foundation has successfully promoted for international cultural exchange such as the “Taipei International Choral Festival”, “Taipei Philharmonic Summer Festival”,“Taipei Philharmonic International Music Workshop”.
Dirk DuHei contributes to the musical life of Taiwan by premiering new pieces and organizing educational performances and seminars.He has often been invited to be a member of the jury at prestigious international choral competitions (Fulda, Germany; Riva Del Garda, Italy; Budapest, Hungary; Sydney, Australia; Hong Kong to name a few).From England to Australia, Korea to the U.S.A, Dirk DuHei and his chamber choir have performed at various international festivals with enormous success.
He is currently Professor of Music at the ChineseCulturalUniversity, Director of the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education, Chairman of the Taiwan Federation for Choral Music, Music Director of the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, Chamber Choir and Taiwan Youth Choir, and conductor of the Taipei Women’s Singing Society.
音樂營講師: 艾倫.哈勒
艾倫.哈勒教授,自1988年起擔任費城孟德爾頌合唱團音樂總監,亦為該團成立128年歷史上,第12位出任此職務的傑出音樂家;他也是費城大學音樂系教授及合唱音樂總監,並獲校方贈與象徵最高榮譽的桂冠教授頭銜(Laura H. Carnell Professor)。此外,哈勒教授也是位活躍的指揮家,除了費城之外,他多次應徵前往波多黎各聖胡安市「卡薩爾斯樂節」、「亞斯本合唱協會」指揮演出;並在台北愛樂文教基金會贊助下,於台灣及中國大陸等地開授大師課程及音樂會演出。
哈勒教授亦是位美國現代音樂的提倡者,曾創辦並指揮印第安那當代聲樂室內團,該團為演出美國現代作品之佼佼者。在帶領孟德爾頌合唱團其間,已委託創作、首演二十一部新作,其中包括︰Robert Moran《安魂曲︰天鵝之歌》(1990)、Charles Fussell《Specimen Days》(1992)、Robert Stern《Returning the Song》(1994)、Cynthia Folio《Touch the Angel’s Hand》(1994)、Jan Krzywicki《Lute Music》(1995)及James Primosch《Fire Memory / River Memory》(1998)等。
哈勒教授亦曾帶領天普大學合唱團,指揮Robert Moran《Hagoromo》、Alfred Schnittke《安魂曲》及Arvo Part《約翰受難曲》等作品之費城首演。
哈勒教授亦曾經為世界知名的指揮家訓練合唱團,合作對象包括穆悌、鄧許泰德、杜托瓦、祖賓梅塔、柏格斯、馬則爾、薩瓦利希等。目前擔任Chorus America、Conductors Guild、Coro Cantigas及Network for New Music等組織之委員。
Clinician: Alan Harler
Laura H. Carnell Professor and Director of Graduate Conducting, TempleUniversity, Artistic Director, Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Alan Harler is Laura H. Carnell Professor, Chairman of Choral Music, and director of graduate conducting at TempleUniversity's Esther Boyer College of Music. In 1988, Mr. Harler was also named music director of Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia, only the twelfth person to hold that position in the chorus's 130-year history. He is an active conductor outside of Philadelphia, having performed regularly at the Festival Casals and the Aspen Choral Institute. Mr. Harler will make his sixth trip to China this summer to present master classes and conducted performances under the sponsorship of the Taiwan Philharmonic Association. Mr. Harler was formerly the chairman of the choral music department at the Indiana University School of Music and was on the faculty at the University of Massachusetts. He studied conducting with Walter Susskind and enjoyed a long association with the eminent choral scholar Julius Herford. Alan Harler has prepared choruses for many of the country's leading orchestras and conductors, including Riccardo Muti, Klaus Tennstedt, Charles Dutoit, Wolfgang Swallisch, Zubin Mehta, Rafael Frhbeck de Burgos and Loren Maazel. He has been a strong advocate for new American music. In his sixteen-year tenure with Mendelssohn Club, he has commissioned and premiered over twenty-five new compositions. Mr. Harler has recorded on the Nonesuch, Enharmonic, and Argo/London labels. Mr. Harler has served on the Board of Directors of Chorus America and the Conductors Guild. In December of 2004, he will be the recipient of the 2004 Emanuel S. Kardon Award for "dedication to creative expression for people of all abilities".
音樂營講師: 亨利‧紀本斯
亨利‧紀本斯教授現任教於美國北德州大學,擔任合唱研究副主任,以及指揮暨樂團學系主任。畢業於史丹福大學及哈佛大學後,曾赴德國法蘭克福音樂院深造,受教於世界巴赫權威大師海慕特.瑞霖(Helmuth Rilling),獲頒德國最高級藝術指揮家文憑(Kunstlerische Reifeprufung);曾任教於洛杉磯歐瑟登托學院、波士頓新英格蘭音樂院、麻省理工學院及哈佛大學。
Clinician: Henry Gibbons
Henry Gibbons is currently Associate Professor and Associate Director of Choral Studies at the University of North Texas College of Music and Chair of the Division of Conducting and Ensembles. After completing academic studies at Stanford and Harvard Universities, he continued his studies with the renowned Bach specialist Prof. Helmuth Rilling at the Frankfurter Musikhochschule, earning the Kunstlerische Reifeprufung in conducting, the highest performance degree awarded by German conservatories. Previously he has held positions at OccidentalCollege in Los Angeles, the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, and HarvardUniversity.
He has conducted a variety of choral groups, including professional, university, community and church choirs. He has served as clinician, lecturer and guest conductor at choral workshops and seminars in the United States and Europe. Choirs under his direction have performed at conventions of the Texas Music Educators Society, Music Educators National Conference, and the American Choral Directors Association (Southwest Region), as well as with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and numerous North Texas regional orchestras.
Professor Gibbons has served as the Musical Director of the Denton Bach Society since 1982. From 1996 to 2003 Mr. Gibbons also held the position of Conductor and Artistic Director of the Arlington Choral Society.
- Jun 10 Fri 2005 08:14