The Winnipeg Singers, Canada
溫尼伯歌手的歷史可以追朔到一九三○年代,由作曲家、也是聲樂教師的W. H. Anderson因應CBC廣播電台的節目需求而成立,最初稱為「合唱歌手」,以演出世俗音樂為主,不定期地舉行公眾音樂會。一九五○到六○年代,由Filmer Hubble繼任Anderson的指揮工作,以「週日合唱團」的名義,為CBC廣播電台製播全國性的宗教音樂節目,並且開始舉辦年度音樂會;後來再由Herbert Belyea接任這項工作,他同時是作曲家,也是聲樂教師。
一九七○年代初期,William Baerg應CBC之邀,為廣播音樂會籌組「CBC溫尼伯歌手」,演出許多不同時期的宗教音樂及世俗音樂,這也成為今日溫尼伯歌手的前身。一九七三年起,CBC無法再資助合唱團的營運,溫尼伯歌手於是自行籌劃年度音樂會事宜,歷任音樂總監有:Bill Baerg、John Martens、Wayne Riddell、Mel Braun、Vic Pankratz 及Rudy Schellenberg等人,現任音樂總監為Yuri Klaz,於二○○三年接任。
溫尼伯歌手定期出現在地區性或全國性廣播節目中,曾發行兩張專輯《O Praise Ye the Lord》及《Prairie Voices》,加拿大國會更兩度頒贈「希利.威蘭獎」表彰溫尼伯歌手在合唱領域的卓越貢獻。二○○二年六月,溫尼伯歌手受邀於多倫多國際合唱節中演出;二○○四年五月,加拿大合唱指揮協會主辦的兩年一度全國性年會在溫尼伯舉行,溫尼伯歌手亦受邀參與演出;二○○五年七月將赴日本京都,受邀參加由世界合唱聯盟所主辦的第七屆世界合唱音樂節。
The Winnipeg Singers, Winnipeg’s premiere choir, has long been regarded as one of Canada’s finest choral ensembles. The Winnipeg Singers consists of 24 trained voices, performing music that spans the times from the Renaissance to the present. The choir’s mandate is to make a diversity of choral music, performed to the highest standards, accessible to a growing audience. Each year the choir commissions new Canadian works and premieres other new works for its Manitoba audience. It presents a concert series each year, engaging some of North America’s finest musicians as guests. The Winnipeg Singers have performed joint concerts with such diverse organizations as MusikBarock Ensemble, Winnipeg’s Contemporary Dancers, and Les Danseurs de la Riviere Rouge. The Singers regularly appear as guests of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra, and have given concerts and workshops for local social agencies, business firms and high schools.
The Winnipeg Singers can trace its origins to a choir begun in the 1930s by composer and voice teacher W. H. Anderson for radio broadcast on the CBC. His choir, known as the Choristers, performed secular music and on occasion offered public concerts. Filmer Hubble, who conducted the group for a national weekly CBC radio broadcast of sacred music called Sunday Chorale succeeded Anderson in the 1950s and ‘60s. This choir also performed a series of yearly concerts. He was succeeded by a student of W. H. Anderson, Herbert Belyea, also a composer and voice teacher. In the early 1970s, William Baerg was asked by the CBC to form a group of singers which would perform concert broadcasts. This choir, the CBC Winnipeg Singers, was devoted to the exploration of both sacred and secular works from all eras and initiated the form of The Winnipeg Singers as it exists today. In 1973, when the CBC was no longer able to support the choir, The Winnipeg Singers began to produce its own annual concert series, which it has done ever since. Past artistic directors of The Winnipeg Singers include Bill Baerg, John Martens, Wayne Riddell, Mel Braun, Vic Pankratz and Rudy Schellenberg. The current Artistic Director, Yuri Klaz, began his tenure with the 2003/2004 Season.
The Winnipeg Singers are regularly heard on local and national CBC radio. They have released two compact disc recordings, O Praise Ye the Lord and Prairie Voices. The Canada Council with the awarding of the Healey Willan prize has twice recognized The Winnipeg Singers for their excellence in choral music. The Winnipeg Singers performed at the Toronto International Choral Festival in June 2002. The choir was one of three choirs invited to perform at the Gala Concert of Podium 2004, the national biennial convention of the Association of Canadian Choral Conductors held in Winnipeg in May. The Winnipeg Singers have been honoured by an invitation from the International Federation for Choral Music to perform at the 7th World Symposium on Choral Music to be held in Kyoto, Japan in July 2005.
指揮/ 尤里.克拉茲
他也指揮第一門諾教會合唱團、Shaarey Zedek猶太會堂合唱團、溫尼伯大學合唱團等。目前任教於曼尼托巴音樂藝術學院;於二○○三年七月起,出任溫尼伯歌手藝術總監及指揮。
Yuri Klaz, Conductor
Born in Petrozavodsk, Russia, Yuri received his Masters degree in conducting at the St. Petersburg State Conservatory. He was an associate professor of choral and orchestral conducting at the Petrozavodsk Conservatory and later became the artistic director and conductor of the Chamber Choir of the Karelian Art Centre.
In 1995, Yuri was awarded the prestigious title, “Honoured Artist of Russia”, and received a silver medal for exceptional achievement in the development of art in Russia. Mr. Klaz came to Canada in 2000 to become the artistic director and conductor of the Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir. Most recently Yuri conducted The Winnipeg Singers, the Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir and Renaissance Voices in performances of Bach, Verdi and Faure with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.
Mr. Klaz also directs the First Mennonite Church Choir, the ShaareyZedek Synagogue Choir, and the University of Winnipeg Student Choir. He is a faculty member of the Manitoba Conservatory of Music and Arts. Mr. Klaz was appointed the artistic director and conductor of The Winnipeg Singers on July 1st 2003.
7/23(六)19:30 台北國家音樂廳音樂會 訂票去
- Jun 10 Fri 2005 08:08