
Conductor: Gabor Hollerung

嘉保.豪勒隆,匈牙利布達佩斯人,生於1954年。匈牙利李斯特國家音樂院畢業,習管絃樂及合唱指揮,曾師事Eric Ericson、Kurt Masur及Laszio Somogyi等大師。自1980年起,擔任布達佩斯學院合唱音樂協會 (Budapest Academic Choral Society) 音樂總監,在他的帶領之下,過去十年來布達佩斯學院合唱團多次於歐洲著名的合唱比賽中獲得首獎,也因此為布達佩斯合唱團贏得「世界合唱團」的美譽。
嘉保.豪勒隆現任Dohnanyi Erno Symphony Orchestra of Budafok之首席指揮。更對於年輕指揮家傾囊相受,自1985年以來,定期舉辦合唱指揮研習營的課程,並於1995年世界合唱聯盟 (International Federation of Choral Music) 於斯拉維尼亞所舉行的研討會研習課程中擔任演講。目前為英國、德國、西班牙、波蘭、及保加利亞等國爭相邀請擔任音樂指導或克席指揮的對象,更曾數度應邀來台,指揮演出拿手作品--《布蘭詩歌》、《非洲聖哉經》等。現為義大利合唱比賽、以色列合唱比賽及他於1998年所創立的匈牙利世界合唱比賽的藝術總監,並擔任2000年於奧地利、2002年於韓國舉辦的『合唱奧運』世界合唱比賽的藝術委員。
He was born in 1954 inBudapest. He studied choral and orchestral conducting at the Liszt Academy of Music and later attended the masterclasses of Laszlo Somogyi, Eric Ericson and Kurt Masur. He is the choral director of the Budapest Academic Choral Society. He has enjoyed a unique series of successes during the past 15 years as his choir was the winner of all reputed European choir competitions. The Grand Prize at the Bela Bartok International Choir Competition in Debrecen and the title "Choir of the World" in Llangollen were awarded to his choir. Since 1989 Gabor Hollerung is chief conductor of the Dohnanyi Symphony Orchestra Budafok, the youngest Hungarian professional symphony orchestra with which he has toured in numerous European countries. In 1995 he held a conducting class at the IFCM European Symposium. In 1996 he was invited with his choir to the IFCM 4th World Symposium on Choral Music in Sydney. He is sought after as guest conductor and musical advisor throughout Europe, he regularly holds courses for choral conductors and has served as an adjudicator at many international choir competitions. He is one of the artistic directors of INTERKULTUR Foundation and of the MUSICA MUNDI festival series as well as one of the artistic directors of the 1st Choir Olympics 2000 inLinz. He is also president of the Hungarian Choir Competitions and Festivals founded in 1998.
7/17-24 合唱營暨指揮營講座及排練
7/24(日)19:30 音樂節閉幕音樂會-台北國家音樂廳 訂票去

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